Friday, August 28, 2009

Big Daddy and His Kids....

Most of us are still kind of new to Facebook; But already I've had occasion to wonder who I have loaded as my friends. One friend in particular has sent out every link they could find to support their views on liberal politics, gay rights, health care for the world, Sarah Palin's lack of ability, George Bush's stupidity, waterboarding, the war in Iraq and getting God out of our Pledge of Allegiance.

Last weekend I began to formulate a counter story about this situation. Fortunately I caught myself. Here's the story that I decided to write instead. It's a story I heard a long time ago and it's really the only story I know that's worth telling.

I know this family. The Dad's a really hard worker, it's as if he never sleeps. He's a farmer and his property spreads in all directions as far as your eye can see. Each day he's out in the fields caring for his sheep. He's always mending fences for other folks. He doesn't say a whole hell of a lot, but he sure does a lot of listening when people want some good advice. A few call him by his given name, but most just know him as Big Daddy. He's truly bigger than life. By any standard you would call him a man's man. He's always the guy helping out a neighbor; he shows compassion to everyone even when they don't know he is silently watching their back.

Of all his kids, he's only got one worth his salt. That one seems to understand the family business. The others spend their days complaining about this and that or crying over why they are not getting the better breaks in life. Still he loves them all. In fact, it seems he loves the whiners even more than the one good son.

For the sake of the story, we'll consider just one of the bad eggs in the family. Let's call him Joe to simplify the writing... The others are just as bad, but trying to write about each ones problems would be impossible. Their personal stories are almost all the same.

Joe left his fathers care long ago. Big Daddy knows where he went but Joe never calls or writes. Joe is a drunk and a glutton. He in self centered and rude. Most weeks Joe gets his paycheck on Friday and spends it by Sunday living the "good life in the city". Joe has experimented with every drug you can imagine and he's been in trouble with the law more than a few times. He tried to settle down and have a family of his own but he messed that up too. He's angry, bitter and alone. He's a textbook liar and a thief.

A few months ago, Joe lost his job and had to take whatever work he could find to pay the rent. When all options dried up, he had only one choice left; It was time to go home and face Big Daddy. Joe was pretty sure he'd be getting an ear full from his Pop, but without any other choice he made a decision to crawl back to the farm and accept his fate. Years of dispair and failure raced though his mind. He was a broken man, but as a son, he was even worse.

After what seemed like days of walking, Joe made it back to the farm. Off in the distance he could see smoke rising from the chimney. Biscuits and bacon were probably on the stove and fresh coffee always in the pot. The house looked just as he remembered it even though it was still a long ways away. From the porch, Big Daddy could see his son approaching. He knew who the trespasser was. He recognized Joe immediately. Big Daddy loved Joe more than anything. The father rose from his rocker, climbed down from the porch and raced to his son. You would think that Big Daddy would reluctantly wait for his son to join him on the porch before measuring out some sage advice about the evil ways of life. But that's not Big Daddy. The father ran to his boy. When he reached Joe, the father was in tears falling into his childs arms. Joe knew he was unworthy of his fathers love and would be content to simply tend the fields with the other farm hands. But Big Daddy had other designs for Joe. Joe was home. His son who was lost, the child who left the father never to return was home at last.

You may not feel as though you are loved by those around you; but you are loved by the creator of all things. You may feel as though you have failed, but you have not in God's eyes. Big Daddy has been waiting for you to come home. Even if you no longer believe this simple story. Even if you don't believe He exists, you cannot change His love for you. He loves you even if you do not love Him. His love for you is beyond measure and Big Daddy will continue to wait on his front porch for your return because He loves you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Washington Style Finances

So let's say last August you worked in Washington DC or New York City in finance or politics and knew something bad was about to hit the fan. While the common Schmo like me was busy working his 9 to 5, you were pulling every dime out of the market and moved it to bonds or cash.
Now instead of playing catch up like the rest of us trying to make back what we lost in our retirement packages, you put your millions back into the market as it hit bottom this March, the result would be a huge windfall as you rode the present elevator back to the top.

I'm not a big conspiracy theory guy, but looking back; the math bears out that if saavy investors timed the market perfectly, they made a killing and they benefited from the financial disaster we experienced.

Paraphrasing Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanual... Never allow a good crisis slip through your fingers.

Last September, I was in Washington DC in my local Senators office waiting for a tour of the Capital building. I thought it was strange that while I waited, one of Senator Smith's staffers was busy trading stocks while on company time. Don't tell me there is not more than a little local knowledge being passed through the halls of Congress. Stupid me; I thought the staffer was buying stock, now I know he was selling everything he had. All during the time that John McCain was saying the fundamentals of our economy were strong.

Hindsight is definitely 20/20 and never again will I allow someone to manage my finances and believe they are the experts and I am not.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mr. Smith's Math Lesson

It seems like just yesterday that my eccentric physics teacher was telling us to "do the math" in order to get to the bottom of a problem. Mr. Smith was more than a little strange, but he knew his stuff and his advice still applies today. (Luckily, I sat next to David Fercho for physics, the class whiz kid on all things physics).

While almost every news source is glued on the Supreme Court hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today proposed a way to insure 50 million uninsured Americans over then next 10 years at a cost of 1.5 trillion dollars. Using Mr. Smith logic of "doing the math", here's what Speaker Pelosi's math looks like....

Each uninsured citizen would received $300,000 in health care over the next 10 years. You could also say that's $30,000 annually or $2500 monthly during the period in question. Granted health care is not cheap. My company insures my family of six for about $1200 a month including my contribution. So if my plan covers each of the Park's for $200 a month, why would it cost the Federal Government $2500 monthly to insure these individuals without health care? The answer is red tape, administrative costs and anticipated inflation.

TriMet, Portland Oregon's transit system just made the national news because they are spending nearly $2000 monthly for employee health insurance. That was the most expensive cost of health insurance per employee in the nation. For that, TriMet received a Golden Fleece award for their wasteful use of taxpayer money.

The citizens of the United States are a very generous people. We help out where we can and we contribute to causes we believe in. No other country of people gives more to charitable causes. But most Americans also know the value of a dollar. Sure, we each waste more than our share of what we have earned on Starbucks and shoes at the Macy's White sale; but when we waste it, it's our decision not our governments.

I'm all for providing healthcare for American's in need, I just expect it to be done wisely. My career depends upon the public recieving adequate access to medical care. What we cannot do is drive doctors out of business by destroying their medical practices with a system filled with government legislation and unreasonable demands. We can also no longer accept uninsured patients in hospital emergency rooms for routine medical care. 90% of healthcare can be done utilizing a qualified physician, nurse practicioner or physician assistant. Hospital emergency rooms are the most expensive place to administer health care to the uninsured. In summary, we need to get a much bigger bang for our buck.

It turns out that Mr Smith was right about doing the math. Unfortuntely most of us have forgotton how to use calculators now that smartphones do all our homework. Lastly, we now understand our elected officials were cutting class on the days when their "Mr. Smith's" were handing out advice about problem solving and math.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Portland 4th of July

Last weekend's Forth of July was a little different than I'm used to. Laurie was in California with the kids while I stayed in Portland because of work. I can't recall the last time I've spent a holiday or birthday by myself. Three days with nothing to do; that sounded somewhat enticing. Even the dogs went to California so my only responsibility was Oreo, Smoky and Rosie, the feline part of the Park Family.

Each 4th of July in Portland, the city hosts an annual blues festival as a fundraiser for the city food bank on the riverfront green. This years goal was to raise $600,000 for the cause. Without family to hold me back I decided to make the trek into the city. This 4th was extremely hot for Portland, not like Chico mind you, but still hot.

I thought I might stay for a good amount of time and maybe into the evening to catch the fireworks.

Somehow my big plans did not work out quite the way I had anticipated. It just goes to show how you can convince yourself one thing but if "it's not your deal", it's really not your deal.

Over 20,000 people were having a great time with three stages of live blues. Any normal person would have joined in the celebration, knocked down a few drinks and made some new friends. I only lasted 30 minutes before I found the exit. Somehow surrounding myself with my home, my spouse and my kids for 25 years had made me very out of place. Opportunity lost....

I know that Jesus never had the social problems we "Christians" do. This was his type of crowd. This was a huge celebration and Jesus would have joined in by turning water to wine and getting to know the tax collectors and prostitutes (there may have been a few of each in attendance). Joy permeated almost everything that Jesus did. He was magnetic. Why else would the crowds follow Him everywhere and hang on His every word? Could it have been just for the free fish and bread the disciples might be handing out?

Why can't I be more like Him instead of the stuff shirt I have become? Pious, legalistic, stuffy and frustrated. I've become a lot more like the Pharisees, but not a lot more like Jesus.

30 years of stumbling in His footsteps and I still can't get it right.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Warren Buffet's call for another stimulus

This mornings news headlined that Warren Buffett says that we need another stimulus check to kick start the American economy. My kids probably think why does that Margaritaville guy care so much about another stimulus? Before everything shakes out.... Jimmy may end up with as much money as Warren when we all turn to boozy drinks and Coronas in his restaurants.

My kids don't know that Warren Buffett is the Oracle of Omaha, the leader of Berkshire Hathaway and the only man that rivals Bill Gates in wealth. That was then however and this is now. We have to remember to live in the is and not in the was.

Warren Buffett made his wealth using a tried a true stock principle of buy and hold over several years. As a younger man, Buffett purchased best in class stocks like Coca Cola, Proctor & Gamble, WalMart and Kodak to achieve his fortune over decades. Now as an old man, he is changing his tune with a new stimulus. He's never been in a hurry to create wealth for the sake of a quick buck. He has always ridden out financial storms in the past. I doubt if he'd ever make a stock purchase how I do by watching Jim Cramer's Mad Money. What has changed you say? Pride.... After really bad results last year, Buffett needs fast results. At his age, he doesn't have time to build wealth over another 30 years. Everyone like to go out a winner. So does Mr. Buffett.

Many in the financial community supported President Obama because Warren Buffet did. The thinking was if he so smart, maybe we should vote for his guy too. Many historians will tell you that FDR saved the country during the depression with his new deal administration. Others say that what FDR did only poured gasoline on the flames of the depression. Only the United States entering into World War II got us out of the depression.... getting our boys out of the soup lines and into the battle lines. Where there was not enough work to put food on the table, so much work was made, our moms and grandmothers went to work building weapons at home to keep our dads ready to fight overseas.

It's time we take a page out of Warren Buffett's playbook from the past. We have bought a lot on our plate over the past few months, it's time we hold onto it and not go trading our current debt hole for an even bigger one. It's going to be painful, but the present pain will only last so long if we don't make things even worse.

How much is a trillion?

I used to debate with my snowboard buddy how much it really takes to retire. He thought a person needed about $4 million in assets to retire in today's economy. His number was based upon reader polls in some high finance magazine. Truth is, most the people responding to the poll probably lead a lifestyle much higher than mine.
My number to retire is a lot less. After your home is paid for, your kids receive a good education and your debts are paid off, what else is there? Maybe getting a new snowboard?... Spending has always been the problem with us.... or rather not saving it.

My wife and I used to call that big box store where we shopped "the $200 store". Now it's the "$400 store" and we have banished ourselves from their doors. I can recall one visit a few years back when I decided I never had to return, we had bought at least one of everything they sold; and it's now piled up in our garage. Sure am glad they sucked us in for years with cheap hot dogs and sodas.

What I have learned is a trillion dollars is one million million dollars. Most people don't appreciate the vast math difference between a million, a billion and a trillion. Our politicians talk about the numbers like it's Monopoly money. They need to all go to jail without passing GO. Stimulus, TARP, bailouts and bankruptcies are all paid for from one source, the American taxpayer (insert your name here). We have created over 10 trillion dollars in national debt and now the primary source purchasing our debt is the Chinese government. We have also created over 50 trillion dollars in unfunded debts future generations cannot pay for. Those include the commitments to pay our social security and medicare as we reach our AARP years.

I do not envy whomever my daughters may marry someday. They will make a lot of the same mistake we did. Worse though they will never be able to discuss the thought of retiring let alone finding a day to go snowboarding.

Naming a blog......

I always thought that if I opened a coffeehouse this would be a great name. Since I'll probably never open the coffeehouse, naming the blog the same seems as good as any. Besides, it does seem like we are experiencing a lot of brewed awakenings in of present lives. Things are really cooking in our nations capital and in our state legislatures. And I don't mean this in a good way.